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Domino Effect

Writer's picture: Shreya JhaShreya Jha

The Domino effect is a "cumulative effect produced when one event initiates a succession of similar events." This is the first definition that pops up when you search the words "Domino effect." Practically domino effect refers to a change in one's behavior, which further activates a chain reaction. It refers to a series of events happening after and because of that one change, moves, or story. Our voice has a superpower of inspiring, and of creating that chain reaction, and the most famous example of it is the #MeToo movement. It started when Tarana Burke, a social activist began using the phrase "Me Too" in 2006, on the "Myspace" social network. Her voice further inspired many victims to come forward and publicize their sexual abuse experiences. Initially, its goal was to empower sexually assaulted women of color through empathy and solidarity, and now it has given voice to uncountable victims of sexual assault. As you can see, one voice can inspire others, and one voice can start a movement, what matters the most is the story and the truth. This is what the domino effect is! The Domino effect can be of any behavior good or bad, simple or complex. It can work on small behavioral changes and it can work on big movements. So let us use our voices, platforms, and our stories to create the domino effect of good changes in the world and also the chain of small good changes for ourselves.

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