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Can we go back in Time?

Growth is the nature of existence itself. We all grow as time passes. And as we grow, we find ourselves wondering how fast time passed away. We look at the past as we move towards the future. There are so many moments we want to re-live. There are so many things we wished we could change. We just keep wishinģ we could cherish a loved one more or we wish not to make some mistakes. We wish we could tell ourselves in those hard times that the future is getting better. We wish we could stay in the good times for a bit longer. Over time, we all grew. I often find myself wishing to go back at some point in my life, regardless would I like to change things if I went back in time? Even though there are many things I want to change, I won't change anything. Because isn't it all a part of me? It all makes me feel proud of myself. And as it says: Everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So let us have One Simple Change and accept the growth rather than looking back at it. It would be a great experience to live them again but a terrible mistake to change anything in it.

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