The other day I was just surfing YouTube, finding something that could just make me feel good. I came across some poetry and I was like why not this. It started with some slow song, it felt like I could relate to every word which she spoke and of course thought to myself, "Is she talking about me?" (Lol) There was a line that hit me that said- "WHEN YOU'RE DONE WITH ALL YOUR CRYING TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE TISSUES YOU WIPED YOUR TEARS WITH. THEY ARE SOAKED IN WHAT WE CALL IS PAST. HAVE A GOOD LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR, IT'S AMAZING HOW YOU MADE IT." At some point in time, we all feel that emptiness within us, as if something is missing. We grow old and we realize that the people, the world, the life we always dreamed of was just a FANTASY. We get out of bed, some things go exactly the way we planned and sometimes simply don't. Ya, we do get disappointed but why to forget SOMETIMES IT'S NOT US WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF GETTING THINGS DONE BUT THE SITUATION. We get upset, we isolate ourselves and then we just try not to cry. But bruh, Cry. Cry your heart till you don't detoxify all those negative emotions taking over your power to make a conscious decision. Because it's a human feeling, not some legos that you keep piling that up.
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